The fairy tale that Cress is related to is Rapunzel. Cress's tower is a spaceship, and her wicked mother that keeps her there is a Lunar thaumaturge. In fact, she's the head thaumaturge, serving the Lunar Queen. Cress has been stuck on this spaceship for seven years. She's an excellent hacker and she's supposed to be locating Cinder for the Lunar Queen. But, she's sympathetic to Cinder and is trying to keep Cinder and her companions from detection.
This all blows up of course, and Cress escapes from bondage but ends up in a test of survival in the dessert with Thorne.
Meanwhile, Kai is going to marry the Lunar Queen to save the earth. But Cinder has no intention of letting that happen, so she's figuring out a way to stop the wedding and take over Luna.
All the old characters are back, and they end up together working on a complicated plan to save the Earth. It's just wonderful. I couldn't put Cress down, and even though it's over 500 pages, they just FLEW by.
I can't recommend this series enough. I love ALL the characters, even the evil ones. I love the technology, and the political aspects, and the creative plotting. It's just a fantastical story. Cress,as well as Cinder and Scarlet, is so loosely related to the original fairy tale that I hesitate to call these stories "retellings." The connections between the fairy tales and these stories are just purely entertaining.
I cannot recommend this series enough. Meyer is truly creative. I can't wait for the next book, because really, there's a lot that hasn't been resolved yet. And I'm glad, because that means we get MORE Lunar Chronicles books!
Published by Feiwel and Friends, February 4, 2014
ARC obtained from Around the World ARC Tours
550 pages
Rating: 5/5