Lucky has been bullied by Nader McMillan since he was seven years old, and no one will do anything about it. Nader's father is a powerful attorney whom everyone is scared to confront. Lucky's parents just want him to ignore it and move on.
When Lucky is dragged across the concrete floor by Nader and seriously injurred, his mother has had enough and they go on a three week trip to visit his aunt and uncle in Arizona. Lucky has a lot of time to grow and change, with the help of his aunt, his uncle, and a girl named Ginny.
Lucky is also on a mission to save his grandpa, who never came home from the Vietnam war. So he escapes to Vietnam to save his grandpa in his dreams.
It's hard to describe this book. The characters are quirky and the plot is a bit malleable. Much like Vera Dietz, the book is weird. It's not a straight-forward "this is what happened" story. But it's beautifully written, unputdownable, and won't let go of you for a long time.
Published by Little, Brown & Co, October 3, 2011
Copy obtained from the library
279 pages
Rating: 4/5

I just read this one earlier this week as well. Great description of it: hard to describe and not straight forward, but really good. Happy Holidays!