Scary School is a school for normal "human" kids and scary creatures alike. The book describes each of the many colorful and diverse characters (both students and teachers) as the plot is exposed. The Ghoul Games are going to be held at Scary School, and this will be a first. Every Scary School student will pick a game, and will compete with creatures from other schools. The winners get to eat the losers. Yes, that's correct. Eat.
The characters, settings, and events are understandably absurd and over the top. But for grade schoolers, this will keep them turning the pages. The author speaks to the reader, a la Lemony Snicket, and kids who enjoy those "school" stories will most assuredly like these. (I'm not a grade-school expert, but things like Wayside School, The Bailey School Kids, etc.)
This would be a nice book for a read aloud, particularly around Halloween. The only negative comment is that I found some parts very repetitive, but maybe this is an appropriate tactic for younger readers. For example, "Studies have shown that the more scared children are, the better they learn" was repeated too many times for me. I also got tired of being told Frank was pronounced "Rachel."
The book is illustrated beautifully by Scott M. Fischer which adds much to the story. Recommend this to your 8 to 10-year-olds who like silly stories. This is the first in a series, and Derek reminds the reader of topics for future books throughout the story. So keep on the lookout for Monsters on the March in June, 2012.
Published by Harper, June 21, 2011
Copy obtained from the author for review
233 pages
Rating: 3/5

The illustrations of this one sound just lovely. I'm glad that, for the most part, you enjoyed it :)