Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Christmas Carol, and my best Wishes to my Readers...

A Christmas Carol is a classic book, so not my typical review.  But I’ll try.  I’ve always had trouble with Dickens – I’ve never finished reading one of his books.  I just couldn’t stand the wordiness and there were too many references that I didn’t understand.  But, since I’ve never read this one, and it’s only about 100 pages long, I decided to give it a go.
I enjoyed the book.  Of course, knowing the story going in helped a lot.  The descriptions were, for the most part, understandable.  I really liked the description of Scrooge at the beginning where he is first introduced.  It left a vivid picture of him in my mind.
There were several literary allusions that I didn’t understand.  I needed to be in a high school English class where the teacher would either explain it, or make us look it up.  Since I wasn’t being “graded” I didn’t bother, and I don’t feel I missed too much.
The book has a great message, and here’s a quote that I think sums it up pretty well:
“It is required of every man,” the Ghost returned, “that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellowmen, and travel far and wide; and if that spirit goes not forth in this life, it is condemned to do so after death.  It is doomed to wander through the world-oh, woe is me!-and witness what it cannot share, but might have shared on earth, and turned to happiness!”
So, I think this is a worthwhile read, especially if you are in the mood for something “Christmasy.” I hope the holiday season finds you and your families in good health and good cheer.  I hope you all find this time of year restful and fulfilling.  Even if you don’t celebrate the Christian holiday, have a Happy New Year and enjoy some time off!
I read A Christmas Carol on my Kindle.  This book was free through Amazon.


  1. I am not big on the classics either. I have been trying to read Wuthering Heights for the past year. I think I am on the second chapter. I doubt I will get any further either. Not sure if I could read this book, the only Christmas Carol I ever saw was Mickey Mouse's Christmas Carol as a kid and ever since it basically ruined all other versions. I am 22 now and still think of the story by seeing Disney Characters. haha. Oh well. Good review though.

  2. I try to read the classics but they tend to not be my cup of tea. I have never read this book but flirted with the idea of doing so several times in recent years...maybe next year?haha.
    BTW, I LOVE my Kindle <3


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