Friday, December 17, 2010

Hop & Follow - Characters or Plot? Educational Goals?

Parajunkie, (actually, Carmel of Rabid Reads) who hosts Follow Friday asks this week:

What did you study in college, or are currently studying and did it lead to your current 9 to 5 or are you doing something totally different?

My undergrad degree (after switching several times) was in Business Education, Secondary.  However, I taught math for 9 years before returning to grad school to be a School Librarian, which happily I have now been for about 9 years.  Moral: Never feel bad about switching your major or changing your mind.  You will figure it out eventually.  I've got the greatest job in the world (but it took me a while to get there!)

The question from Crazy-for-Books (from Alex at Geek on the Brink) this week is:

 "What do you consider the most important in a story: the plot or the characters?"

First of all, the best books have both (of course), but I'm not going to cop out.  I think I'm in the minority, but I'm a plot person.  I don't want to be, but I am.  If things don't move along, regardless of how great the characters are, I may give up.

So, how 'bout you jump on over to these two web sites and submit your own answers to these questions?  Thanks for visiting; come back any time!


  1. Hi. Stopping by from the hop. I'm a new follower.

    I need both a good plot and interesting characters to get me really excited about a book.

    Have a nice weekend.


  2. OH that would be a dream job being a librarian. I am on the fence been back and forth lol this question is so hard. But I say both.

    My Follow Friday/Book Blogger Hop

  3. This might be the best Book Blogger Hop question I've seen to date.

    So what's the answer? Plot! Hop over to my blog and let me tell you how a good plot rescued bad characters from bad book oblivion.

    Howard Sherman

  4. I picked characters, but honestly I really couldn't decide. I'm the same - if the plot's not moving along then I will eventually give up. On the other hand, if I can't stand the characters then I often won't read far enough to get sucked in by a stellar plot...*waffles*

  5. See I would pick characters but they have to be really and truly amazing characters if you are only going to have one or another. Because I have read books where I have simply fallen in love with the characters in it...what would be a good example???...
    Jamie Fraiser *sigh* Jamie Fraiser is one of the main characters in Outlander. I literally fell in love with that character and I guarantee you I could read an entire book about that guy just brushing his teeth and I would still swoon.

    Plus, my favorite author is Maeve Binchy and if you look at a lot of her books they are way more character driven then plot. But she is such an incredible writer that she can get away with it.

  6. Hopping by from the blog hop...the water is so peaceful.

    Lots of good answers to this week's tough question.

    Stop by my blog to see my answer to this week's question.

    Also check out a design site I found...pretty neat home decorating is in the right side panel on my blog.

    Happy Holidays!!


Thanks for visiting! I LOVE comments!


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