Friday, December 31, 2010

Follow Friday - New Year's Resolutions

Parajunkie, who hosts Follow Friday, has asked this week's question:

 What are your new years book blogging resolutions?
So, here's my answers, but I constantly throughout the year set goals, so these will change, or more likely, be added to:

1.  Spiff up my blog. I wish it were cuter; I'm looking for a new design on a low or no budget.  I also want to add some buttons from sites I visit often, instead of just listing them. I need to figure out how to do a summary page of book reviews, alphabetically.  Is there an easy way to do this, or do you just have to do it by hand?

2.  Everyone says this, but everyone should!  Comment more.  I read hundreds of blogs posts every day.  I don't want to "spam" and just say "nice job" but sometimes I even think of something I'd like to add, but I don't because of TIME.

3.  Keep reading.  I read 115 books this year, so I don't think I can do much more than that, but I don't want to get so bogged down in blogging that I stop reading.

4.  Don't read so much.  I know that contradictory, but I do have lots of other things I like to do -- sew, cook, embroider -- and I want to make sure I have time for some of that.

5.  Write better reviews.  Sometimes I think they are kind of superficial.  My policy is to write the review before I start the next book, and I think I need to keep it pretty much that way.  I hear people say that they have 10 or so reviews to write -- I just don't think I could do that!  But, I don't want to rush my reviews either.  Sometimes I need to think more about the book before I just start writing. I also want to add a rating system, include the publishers and page number information (this is fairly easy, I just can't seem to remember to do it!)

6.  Interview authors.  I'm afraid.  But I want to do this.  Wish me luck.

7.  Of course, find some new blogger friends.  Love you guys!

It's been interesting reading all of your resolutions.  Keep them coming and good luck to all of you in keeping them!  Happy New Year, everyone.


  1. Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog ~ Now following you too. Those are some great goals! Good luck and Happy new Year! :)
    Kristy @ Dreaming By Day

  2. Good luck in 2011, especially for the author interviews. I don't think I'm quite ready for that yet!

  3. Great Goals. I'm a new follower from the hop.

    Happy New Years!

    ~Inspired Kathy
    I Am A Reader, Not A Writer

  4. These sound like really good resolutions. Good luck with them!

  5. Brilliant resolutions, there ones I need to make too. I am trying to comment more because it really does seem to attract more comments to my site, which in turn makes me feel good. So I'm determined to post on at least 5 blogs a day, and if I miss a day then I promise to comment more the next day. Let me know if you find a cheap way to spiffy up your blog, mine could use a little shine too! Happy New Years!

  6. Good luck with your goals. Reading more is definitely one of my goals too.

    Have a Happy New Year!

  7. reading and not reading. I know what you mean.
    Happy New Years!
    My Hop

  8. Wishing you a lovely New Year darling.


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